Developer Application - 4 Steps to the Perfect Cover Letter

Developer Application - 4 Steps to the Perfect Cover Letter

You find a job posting that ideally fits your skills, until the point comes in the ad: "Include a motivation letter that shows why you are suitable for the role".

This application requirement is very often stressed by job seekers, especially developers as annoying and out of date. Developers feel more comfortable creating products than they do for creating prosa :-) Due to the increasing popularity of online applications, a separate cover letter is less and less required. However, if you need one, it should fit!

Thankfully, it doesn't take that much effort to write a good cover letter. You definitely need to keep it as simple and understandable as possible. The best cover letters skip over lengthy bullet points of professional history. Focus much more on conveying to the reader why you, in particular, are a perfect fit for the company.

Here's what to consider:

A strong first sentence

When you sit down to write your cover letter, remember that hiring managers and recruiters only spend a few seconds scanning your documents. That means the first sentence of your cover letter must sell your skills in the context of the company's mission. There's no time for a lengthy build-up of your letter.

Here's an example of a solid first sentence: "I'm interested in the position of lead IOS developer because I want to use my skills in APP development to help (company) create the next generation of (best-selling iOS app or game). "

No templates

For recruiters, cover letters that are written in too general a manner and filled with standard phrases are an absolute no-go. Recruiters want to read from you that you are specifically interested in the job and the team. A boilerplate text signals, rightly or wrongly, that the application will be sent to any company that even remotely matches your skills.

If you really are using a template, and we've all been in this position, make sure you paraphrase it so that it seems tailored. You can assume the person reading your application is familiar with all the common templates currently on the market. Summarize everything on one page if possible, correct the text for typos, and avoid discrepancies between the cover letter and your resume. Make sure all dates and job titles match the resume.

What you can do for the new employer

The second and third paragraphs of your cover letter emphasize how your skill mix will benefit the prospective employer. Whenever you mention an accomplishment or goal from previous positions, always explain how that experience fits the advertised position. While your personal growth over the past few years is certainly something to be proud of, the prospective employer is interested in what you can do for them now.

The last paragraph of your cover letter should end with a "call-to-action". "I am available for an interview at any time and look forward to hearing from them," is a good example.

Proofread, proofread, proofread.

Has already been mentioned, but can make or break your future dream job :-)

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