Dev-Recruiting: Every Company Is a Technology Company!

Dev-Recruiting: Every Company Is a Technology Company!

How would you describe an innovative technology company? Most people would probably think of typical characteristics of a tech startup. They are small, growing fast, have offices that make you jealous, and often own a foosball table. Most importantly, do tech companies sell or produce software or?

That might have been true in the past, but today we live in an age where every company is a technology company. One might almost think that the term "tech" has become almost meaningless. Any company today that sets out to change the industry, or remain viable, can only do so through the clever use of technology.

Does this mean that your company is, or must become, a technology company as well? The answer is a resounding YES. To attract the software developers you need to hire, you should accept the fact that you are working and recruiting for a technology-driven organization.

In fact, this should also influence your employer branding strategy. In this article, you will find some tips to help you develop effective developer recruitment strategies.

You too are a technology company

Your first intuition might be to identify all the uses of software in your organization to promote to these potential developers. But before that, better take a step back so you understand how software can help your company move forward.

If you want to customize your employer brand for developers, ask yourself two questions before you start. How does your organization use technology to improve internal workflows? How does your organization use technology to improve the lives of your consumers? The answer to these questions will help you target your approach on advertisements and your career website.

Be present where developers are

Updating your employer branding regarding technical candidates, has an impact on your existing strategy, for recruiting employees! At first, this sounds like a lot of work. However, if you want to reposition yourself as an attractive employer among developers, start small and optimize, or create job ads and company profiles on portals that are specifically geared towards developers. Allianz Insurance, as one of the largest financial services providers, would certainly not immediately strike you as a very innovative technology-first company. By having its own technology company presence, this group is also perceived by developers as a serious employer.

While you're working on your employer brand, focus on developer platforms. On "devjobs" you can position yourself as a uniquely compelling employer for developers. As a result, you immediately catch the eye of suitable technology candidates without having to make extensive changes to all of your recruiting materials right away.

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