4 ways to attract and retain top tech talent better than your competition

4 ways to attract and retain top tech talent better than your competition

The future for 2021 is uncertain, but one thing is certain: programmers and IT talent will continue to be in high demand.

Employers must understand that the niche qualifications of technology talents are attractive to all, regardless of the labor market or employment landscape. Technical talents know that their skills are valuable and rare, which sometimes leads to multiple offers per month. Therefore, every interaction counts when recruiting and retaining these candidates.

Additionally, there are no set rules to follow when acquiring top-tech talent. Speed is a factor, but not the only one. You need more than speed to be ahead of the competition.

The following are ways to stay ahead of the competition when vying for top tech talent:


What makes your position so special? What distinguishes these from similar roles? What does it take to get candidates to accept?

Before, during and after the interview, find out what matters most to the individual job seeker. Is it a specific programming language you want to learn? The culture?

Remember: These candidates usually have options, so it's worth putting in extra effort before and after hiring.

Stay flexible

The outbreak of COVID-19 has proved that not only is remote work possible, but it can be productive as well. In response, it is time to adjust your IT recruiting process. In particular, many studies have found that a large majority of candidates actually prefer remote options.

The chances are good that this preference will not change after the pandemic. In fact, this number will even increase, as working from home (or from anywhere) also has advantages for private life.

Discuss your company's stance on remote work early on in conversations with tech candidates, so that they are informed that you support and promote this model.

Demonstrate what is possible

When you are familiar with a candidate, show them what the future holds.

Develop a potential career path for developers and tech talent that includes promotions, recognition, and compensation milestones to help them visualize where they could be within the company in six months to six years.

It is important to discuss with your candidates their career aspirations and how your company can help them to grow through additional qualifications and training.

Make sure technical talents know that they are highly valued in the company and not just another number.

Offer the unexpected

It is also important to remember that technology is constantly changing and evolving, and your employees may want to do the same. Instead of losing valuable tech employees to another company, try to make the work in your existing company more appealing to them. There may be another team or department that the candidate would be interested in working with, which could give them a new perspective.

Give technicians the autonomy to move within the organization, deepen their experience, and contribute to business success. Use internal mobility to retain technical talent for the foreseeable future.

Employers need to think outside the box from start to finish to stay competitive in tech recruiting.

By offering benefits that are tailored to the individual candidate's wishes and needs, remaining open to remote work even after the pandemic subsides, and giving talent a glimpse into their future within the organization and far beyond, you can attract and retain the most sought-after technical talent.

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