3 things every HR-manager has to do before releasing a job ad

3 things every HR-manager has to do before releasing a job ad

As a human resources manager or recruiter, you are probably already aware of the incredible attention to detail that is required to select the right person for a particular position in your company. However, there are often a number of behind-the-scenes considerations that need to take place before you even know which position you actually need.

Once you have determined this, you must then take the next step to ensure that you are hiring the right person for the position. Sometimes it can be difficult to make these determinations. Here are some tips and tricks that can now help you identify the required position, to ensure that the position also fits the person you are hiring.

The interview process can be both uncomfortable for the interviewee and the interviewer, but there are ways to optimize it. Instead of fearing the entire process, you should consider a relaxed approach in your behavior while still following a structured interview process.

Document your expectations

The first thing you need to do is set your expectations for the role. Define in advance what it will take to fill the position optimally. Before you even start looking for the right candidate, you need to define the position you want to fill.

It is optimal for the department to create the job description for each new open position in direct cooperation with its recruiting partner. The recruiting partner and the HR manager fill out a common application form together, which lists the following:

  • What type of experience are we looking for (including the required and the optimal experience)?
  • What does the expected success of this role look like in the first 3, 6, 9 months?
  • Recruitment plan for this position
  • Evaluation criteria (interview focus, take-home task, etc.)

Plan your growth

When interviewing for a new position, be sure to discuss the company's plans for growth. Keep in mind that you're hiring a new team member, not just checking items off a list. Plan to give this new employee an overview of the company culture by sketching out answers to the following questions:

  • Where do we see this job in 6-9 months?
  • What possible promotion prospects or continuing education opportunities does this role offer?
  • What are the best career options for someone in this field?

Create an interview plan

Dividing the interview process into smaller, structured parts is one of the best ways to ensure that you meet all the points on your list of desired skills, personality traits, and work experience. Before the interview process begins, the department and recruiter establish the evaluation criteria for each individual point. This ensures clarity and efficiency for every member of the interview team throughout the entire process, from the first phone call to the final hiring.

Depending on your hiring timeline, the first step may be to review each application and weed out candidates who simply don't fit the position based on their work experience, educational background, or even specific requirements. Once you've narrowed your potential candidate pool down to a manageable number, you can either invite each potential employee in for a brief interview or give them a basic skills test. For example, a task that is assigned to the responsibilities of the role and is to be solved within a certain period of time. This helps to assess and confirm the candidate's strategic skills, and that he masters the hard skills required for the position.

The first step of the interview process is, for example, the call. This point is used in the interview process to check candidates' enthusiasm for the role to make sure their salary expectations are in line with the budget for the role. If the candidate meets the evaluation criteria, he will be forwarded to a one-hour interview with the recruiting manager.

By breaking the recruiting process into small steps, you will be surprised at how easy it really is. With these tips and tricks, you can quickly find out what you are looking for and quickly and efficiently find the right person for the open position.

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